Monday, December 3, 2007

assignment 1.5

Personally,Ii prefer the play. The movie seems ridiculous, almost comical, andIi dont seem to get as much out of it asIi do from the book. I think the director of this play assumes a lot of things, and because he was short on time, left important sections out, and pushed together certain scenes in the play to make the movie run in the alotted time. Because the director did this, I believe he lost the true integrity of the play, he lost Shakespeare's vision and voice, and turned it into his own. I respect that he has his own artistic style, so there of course will be some changes, but I tend to stick to originals, and the book is as original as it can get.

Assignment 1.4

Ii believe that art definitely holds a mirror up to society. But I also think that art can influence a society. When you look at art, whether it be a piece of literature or a painting, you often understand the art better if you understand the context in which it was created. In art, things are often magnified to make a point, or cause a change, this is called satire. Shakespreare is hard to understand, but once it is explained and the content and word choice are understood, you really understand what shakespeare is trying to say. He is critical on the country of Denmark and the behavior of their royalty. Art reflects life, in my mind, and life is society. That's why it is constantly changing and forming into different era's and styles.