Wednesday, February 6, 2008

breakdown of words and meanings

Where does the breakdown of words and meanings lie? Personally, I believe this breakdown lies in the inadiquate system of language. Language is used to live. This introduces a complexity in the description of language and argues for a weakening of boundaries between various systems for communication. Margaret Atwood writes, "what is flour? we'll skip that part, its too complicated." Ths is very symbolic. Mrgaret is pointing out the obvious that of course everyone knows what flour is, but if she was to go in depth and start to explain what flour is, it would mean nothing to us. we wouldnt understand her because of the inadiquate system of language set before us. Margaret then says at the end "toast is me, I am toast." at first, this means nothing to the reader. of course she isent toast! but then one begins to think more deeply about the meaning of this word toast. and this is where the breakdown of word meanings lie. toast is just a word set up to describe a thing. Margaret points this out, the lack of meaning of toast and the lack of true meaning in words in general. The exhaustive description of language is an ideal, which may perhaps never be achieved , but there will certainly be much less change of it's being achieved if language is separated from the living of life totally. The structures of language is not absolutly unrelated to the total meaning structure availiable to a community.

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