Monday, March 10, 2008

why i wont be buying your girl scout cookies.

It's not personal. really. They seem nice enough. what I find most creepy is the beaming mother standing next to you. why is she so proud of you? You really arent doing anything... what your doing requires no effort from you. You simply stand and bank on your cuteness or your brand to sell for you. wheres your business strategy? im not going to give you a free pass, a handout. Also, if asked simply why you were selling the cookies, for what cause, you couldnt answer the question. Because the selling of the cookies is not about where the money is going, or what fund they are benefitting. Its all about who's mommy can sell the most boxes of processed baked goods.
The side of the box states, "you'd be suprised what a girl scout cookie can build: strong values. strong minds. strong bodies. strong communities." wow, all that from thin mints?I guess I better get eating.

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